Sunday, September 30, 2007

#3 Creating a blog

Well, I'm really dragging the chain. In typical fashion, I haven't been able to get this task done until I'm feeling under pressure - all my study efforts in the past have been conducted this way! So now that I'm a few weeks behind everyone else, it's time to get down to business.

Can't believe the first obstacle was coming up with a name for my blog. Even lay awake at night pondering all sorts of creative ideas. If there's anyone still needing a name, please feel free to choose one of the following which I've discarded:

"everyman and his blog"
"frankly, my dear..."
"post-it note"

Didn't end up with the name that I wanted though. Seems like someone else was just as creative. Tried a couple of urls before I got past the "Computer says no...." screen. Anyway, here's my blog (I hope)

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

I like the name "post it note" or perhaps "virtual post it note"
Keep up the good work
